New web, new burns

Hey everyone, we are proud to present our new website we’ve been hard at work on the last couple of days. There you will find the basic info about our project, links to all of our social media platforms as well as a direct link to our whitepaper. Basically, a center location with everything you need regarding the project. You may have noticed there are still a few placeholders on the website. We plan to include our community in filling those, so stay tuned for more information on a upcoming contest that will enable you to not only win prizes, but contribute and see you own work on the website itself. Go and have a look-see for yourself:
We are also glad to see that all of you are keeping your eyes open and even managed to give our Elon bot a run for its money. A few people managed to spot new crypto tweets Elon made quicker than the bot was able to pick them up. Speaking of burns, another Muskimum Impact event took place, courtesy of Elon. Another 50% of the treasury bit the dust, and as always here are the numbers so you can see for yourself what the aftermath looks like after our 3rd big burn:
Proof of burn:

No matter how excited we are every time Elon tweets about crypto, we’d like him to chill a bit so we can get some more work done and be able provide alternative content and events for you guys, and not just burn tokens all the time :) We still have a lot of stuff planned so keep an eye out for future announcements.